「I dont know」乔茜十分苦恼:“I know nothing about that,I just get off work and go home ,Then I came here.”
乔茜紧张地攥紧身上的被子,有一瞬间想要把她知道的一切通通说出来。但是词汇量限制了她的发挥:“If...you really are Dumbledore...I think I know a lot——Is this Harry's 5th years in Hogwash?”
“Thank you,”乔茜道了谢,继续说:“This end of...”学年怎么说?“school year?Sirius will be died。In ministry...In magic...”神秘事物司怎么拼,魔法部她也不会。但是邓布利多在这两个错误的词汇中准确地get到正确的意思「魔法部的神秘事物司?(英)」
“Yeah!”乔茜差点从床上跳起来:“Your are right!”
她继续说:“Because,First,Harry connect with Voldemort's mind ,after he re-alive from Harry's blood.”(哈利连接了伏地魔的大脑,在他通过哈利的血液复活之后)
“You do not talk with Harry,And Harry is a teenager,he will fell angry easily because all human being don't tell him anything.So he don't trust any □□.(你没有告诉哈利这件事,哈利正值叛逆期,所有人都瞒着他只会让他生气,他不相信你们)”她说地磕磕绊绊,但还算顺畅。邓布利多坐在一旁静静地听着,没有反驳。
“Second,the voldemort knows this connect,you ask snape teach harry...brain close way.”大脑封闭术可以这样说吗?不过邓布利多好像听懂了的样子,“But Harry is not learning well,and Snape is not teaching well.”